HISTORY / MISSION: Founded and Incorporated in 2000, AMHDD is Designed to Provide Opportunities to Children, Adolescents, Adults & Senior Citizens with Mental Health needs, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse (Behavioral and Psychiatric) Problems. This ALSO includes those who are Un-Served and Under served, as well as the overall population of people who can benefit from supports in a RESIDENTIAL SETTING, An Out Patient Setting and an Adult Day Programming Setting. The comprehensive support services will help the consumer of services lead a productive, dignified, and an independent life style. The Corporation will enable people with disabilities to maximize their potential in an integrated fashion by working to achieve successful community living. As a Non-Profit Service Provider of Human Services issues, Social Services issues and Mental Health Services Needs, we build supports that are based on the Person Centered Philosophy. Decision making from people with developmental disabilities and those with Mental Health problems and their families are the most critical aspect of serving those in need. Helping those that need support and advocating for them, as they exist in the community to realize their dreams of fully participating in any and all existing community resources, can be achieved through Community Based Residential Living and Intensive In-Home THERAPEUTIC Counseling.
Another Mission of the Organization is to assume a Leadership Role in creating a forum to advance and promote inclusion, education and training of people with disabilities, mental health problems and substance abuse. We are a valuable asset to the community and to those who are recipients of support services through maintaining and enhancing social competence and wellness. Our clients have opportunities to associate with one another and to maintain a tradition, which is of great value to them as well as to society as a whole. Our other ventures are to assist our clients with supports to resolve their issues which interfere with their ability to live fully, freely, and unhampered by emotional dysfunction and mental illnesses. The multi-functional clinical interventions in a residential and non-residential setting enhances and strengthens our client’s resolve.